kalevala - ilmatar ja maailman luominen

Kalevala - Ilmatar and the creation of the world


A young woman, without an imp, descends from the air into the sea.

It was an impi, without a girl
Even is one step lower
You landed on the waves,
On the clear back of the sea,
Ulapalle's opening.

The warbird was looking for a nesting place. The woman raised her knee from the sea, the bird made a nest in it and laid six golden eggs. The seventh egg was iron.

Came a mess, a straight bird;
Flying frolicking
Looking for the location of the nest
Assuming the country of residence

A knee to the head
It builds its nest
Lay your golden eggs
The seventh of the iron egg.

When the bird was incubating the eggs, Vee's mother's knee got too hot.

Even that makes me angry
thought his knee was on fire
All his veins melting.

He swung his leg and the eggs fell and broke.

Shaken his knee
Shocked its members:
The eggs rolled into the water,
For the waves of the sea;
Cracked the eggs into crumbs,
Cut to pieces.

The earth, sky, sun, moon, stars and clouds were born from the eggs.

The underside of the ovary
As a subordinate land mother;
The upper side of the egg
To the sky above.

The woman shaped the capes, the bays and the deep and shallow places of the waters.

Where did the cabin turn,

To that the capes cleaned;
Where is your sole on your foot,
He dug fish graves.

Finally, the mother of water gave birth to Väinämöinen. Väinämöinen floated in the water for eight years until he reached dry land.

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